Our founders

Hello! We are María and Ismael.

We are like you and we belong to the generation that has had the world at its fingertips the most. Dreamers and lovers of life, entrepreneurs full of enthusiasm. We are passionate about discovering, feeling and leaving our comfort zone. Reto Adventur was born from that idea and that is what we want to represent. 

We hate the idea of ​​waiting until retirement to start living. Your life is today and today is the time to live it. The only thing we are sure of is this moment and the only thing we take with us from this life are the experiences we have had and the people with whom we decide to share them.

We are proud to be able to provide with our products that little push that we all need sometimes to go out into the world and create our best memories with those we love most.



Our team

Young, dreamers and passionate

We are a Start-up from Alicante (Spain) that is dedicated to creating products with an adventurous spirit, designed to live new experiences, create memories and strengthen relationships.

Behind this brand there is a team of young, restless people with a common denominator: an enormous passion for leaving the comfort zone and living life to the fullest. This last point, believe us, is the engine that drives all this, which makes for us every minute we dedicate to this project a true privilege, a prize, a passion.

Our values

  • Spontaneity

    Escape from routine, live new experiences and leave your comfort zone.

  • Creativity

    Immortalize unique moments in the most original way possible, create a physical memory that lives forever.

  • Connection

    Disconnect from technology and connect with those we love most.